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  A series of photographs speaks in different ways and tells us long stories.

Variations on art

Art is not just a visual form, over time it becomes part of culture and knowledge. I chose five well-known paintings, which I reworked into a modern form. The new photograph carries the historical context of the original image, but also tells its own current story.


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Variations on art

Art is not just a visual form, over time it becomes part of culture and knowledge. I chose five well-known paintings, which I reworked into a modern form. The new photograph carries the historical context of the original image, but also tells its own current story.


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Sedá na nás jako černý pták a mění náš pohled na svět.

Jak kdyby barvy kolem nás zakryl svými černými křídly. Naše vnímání je ovlivněné jeho tmavými perutěmi a jeho našeptáváním...


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Photographic treatment of one of the most famous stories in history.
A story that greatly influenced the development of medieval and modern art.
I adopted the appearance of Jesus from a painting (19th century), which was very often reproduced and hung in many Czech homes. I knew this form well from the picture that hung in my grandmother's and mother's bedroom. So this is not a likely depiction, but an emotional overflow from my childhood.


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